Monday, 3 September 2012

how to extract code of apk file.

step 1:
Download dex2jar here. Create a new java project and paste (dex2jar- ) jar files .
Copy apk file into  newly created java project
Run it and after refresh the project ,you get jar file .Using java decompiler you can view all java class files
step 2: Download java decompiler here

 One more way

  1. Download Dex2Jar zip from this link :
  2. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
  3. Open command prompt & write the following command on reaching to directry where dex2jar exe is there and also copy the apk in same directory.
    dex2jar targetapp.apk file(./dex2jar app.apk on terminal)
  4. download decompiler from this link.
  5. Open ‘targetapp.apk.dex2jar.jar’ with jd-gui File > Save All Sources to sava the class files in jar to java files.

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